Scientific Chair's Welcome

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the 2nd Middle East Rheumatology Conference being held in Dubai, UAE in December 2022. We have an excellent opportunity to build on the success of last year’s conference and I am sure you will be impressed and excited by the program for this year. With the World Cup in Qatar in mind, we have had to push back the date of the conference this year.

Once again, I am honored to chair the scientific committee for the GCC Association of Immunology and Rheumatology. We have kept the theme of collaboration throughout the program. When developing the program we have been cognizant of collaboration between medical specialties, a collaboration between basic science and clinical science, and collaboration between GCC countries and countries throughout the Middle East. We have integrated basic science into the main program and have acknowledged the success of the ‘Rheuma-Connect’ program to increase the involvement of other medical specialties.

Once again, we have a host of well-renowned and engaging regional and international speakers and we will deliver talks in a way that encourages interaction with the audience and generates discussion.

The goal of this conference remains to provide the opportunity for us all to keep up-to-date with the latest developments in immunology and rheumatology and to allow networking with colleagues from around the region. Ultimately, we hope that this will lead to improved outcomes for our patients living with autoimmune and rheumatic diseases.


Professor Martin Lee
Consultant Rheumatology
Scientific Chair, Middle East Rheumatology Conference
Dubai, United Arab Emirates